We often hear about disruptive innovation. But what does this mean? For the past few decades, the term has been widely used in business arenas and has become a powerful and influential instrument, for determining which industries will survive and succeed.
Especially now, given the challenges of the pandemic and the transition to a hybrid working model.
While industries such as the media, education, finance, retail, manufacturing, and technology, amongst others, have been coined disruptors, it is important to note that what constitutes disruption and innovation, is ever-changing. Perhaps the big question, is how do companies, today, simultaneously portray themselves as positive disruptors & innovators?
Differentiating the Innovators from the Disruptor, and Vice Versa
Let’s take Mint Group as an example. It’s a multi-award-winning IT software company that is constantly challenging its current organizational trends and habits, by continually striving to find a positive alternative. Mint uproots, re-plants, and grows the way they think, behave, conduct business, learn, understand, and live their daily lives.
Mint is a disruptor, providing key solutions to current business challenges. It is also an innovator, that uses new technology, market trends, and insights, to advance offering and experiences.
While disruptors can be innovators, not all innovators are disruptors. The two are similar in that they are both makers and builders. However, disruption deviates by uprooting and shifting the traditional ways in which people process their thoughts, behave, conduct business, learn, and go about their day-to-day. Harvard Business School professor and disruption guru Clayton Christensen says, “disruption displaces an existing market, industry, or technology and produces something new and more efficient and worthwhile. It is at once destructive and creative”
How Mint is Distinguishing Itself in the Market
Mint adapts its business, according to buying trends, in which its market is fuelled by innovation. It constantly builds new business models and solutions, catalyzed by complacent operations, unfulfilled needs, and unattended divisions.
Optimizing technology today is how Mint is winning and creating tomorrow through positive disruption and innovation
Its outcome as a service model, takes the traditional technology service models, like software as a service, one level further by delivering actionable business outcomes rather than just raw data, which puts the responsibility of analysis and determining the next steps on the client. The client then receives valuable, personalized insights for their business.
How Power Apps is Fuelling Digital Disruptions and Innovation
The Power Platform has witnessed an incredible acceleration in adoption over the past year alone, by building integrated business applications. What once took a month, even years, to develop smart innovations, has now become quick, seamless, and secure, thanks to the dynamic capabilities of intelligent business solutions.
With Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, and Power Virtual Agents, both the customer and providers benefit. Users receive a low-cost solution to their analytics, workflow, budgeting, and most importantly, advance in their business operations and speed of smarter decision making.
While the provider continues to use existing solutions, to generate new offerings. It is the technology that makes it easier for innovation, while real-time data makes it possible for the retrieval of market insights, and the ease of building effective and tailored solutions for your business needs.
These Business Apps help customers reinvent themselves, from a technology perspective and a business perspective, which is a key aspect, for survival in the ever-changing conditions of the pandemic.
Using advanced Business Intelligence, the Power Platform Business Applications continuously identify emerging business models and vulnerabilities, using technology to address both. The cultivated culture of examining new models and tools makes for the empowerment of businesses to innovate in a secure and managed environment. The power is found in integration, the breaking of silos, and the coming together of automation.
It is in this way that Mint can positively bring disruption and offer innovative platforms to businesses.
Get this [Free Guide] and become a Positive Disprutor: How To Build Business Resilience with Microsoft Power Platform
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The year 2020 transitioned business operations from ‘in- office’ work to ‘out of office. Fast track to 2021, working from home remains necessary. While some have returned to work, the majority of businesses have the option to work remotely- somewhere between the comfort of home, in the office, or the desired work environment.
In this Free Product Guide, you will receive:
- The Challenges Facing the Hybrid Work Force
- Digital Empathy and Why it Matters
- How Microsoft Power Platform can Boost Business Resilience
- The Real Benefits Of the Power Platform
- How to Get Started