McKinsey describes the initial road to implementing generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) as ‘organizational surgery’ – tough, necessary and strategic. While the technology can offer quick wins, ultimately its best value is found in a strategic appro ...
Why Leadership Teams Should Embrace a Growth Mindset
The Catalyst for Organizational Success I attended a conference, and one question raised how you get leadership to buy into a growth mindset, which I found fascinating in this time age of change, turbulence and quick changing markets. We as a ...
Meeting me where I am
I recently wrote an article called “Meeting People Where They Are: A Key Leadership Skill” which was both well received and initiated some great feedback. A common thread of the post-article engagement was people sharing their experiences of being met whe ...
The benefits of cloud modernisation: scale and secure with confidence
How Microsoft Azure can help you transform your business Microsoft Azure is only 14 years old and yet this teenager currently has more than 2,800 artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) products and services, is used by 56% of organi ...
Meeting People Where They Are: A Key Leadership Skill
Earlier this year, I wrote an article about the impact that Gen AI is (already) having on the HR industry, and while the article was aimed at highlighting the positive impact Gen AI can and does have, it also shed light on the fact that the HR function ca ...
Is Gen AI Redefining How We Do HR? (Part 1)
It is now time to unleash the power of AI on customer data analytics to segment customers individually, objectively, and quantitatively on CLV to maximize profit.
The Link Between Mattering and Value Part 3
In my previous blog on this thought-provoking topic, I focused on how we need to view our value in relation to the various facets of our lives, and not as a metric for how each of those facets are progressing. Once we have formed the habit of being presen ...
How to Get the Most from KPIs
Key performance indicators (KPIs) - a waste of valuable time and resources and the bane of employees’ and managers lives, or an essential tool in driving growth, innovation, and competitiveness, particularly for IT organisations that face significant pres ...
The Link Between Mattering and Value Part 2
Rethinking Personal Value In my first article on Mattering & Value, I highlighted the relationship between the two and left readers with this question ~ What is my value-add in my various environments and roles? My blog described how, despite the ...
Creating a Work Environment of Purpose
I recently had the opportunity to complete the empowering Women Rising course offered by Microsoft, which proved to be an invaluable experience. This insightful program focused on individual growth, shifting the emphasis from what one can contribute to or ...