
4 Things You Should Do Before Investing In A Teams Platform

Applications like Slack and Microsoft Teams are rapidly becoming central to expediting teamwork within organizations. Microsoft Teams is the fastest-growing application in Microsoft’s history, and its ascendancy attributes to a similar rise of team-collaboration within the workplace.

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The Dawn Of The Cloud-Born Business

Our environments are becoming digitally tactile landscapes that monitor and adapt to their inhabitants, and our reality is being augmented by digital information that is becoming an ever-more universal and interactive part of our existence. Learning machines think for us, improve our decision-making processes and automate the mundane aspects of our lives

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Unveiling The Holy Grail Of Streamlined Productivity – O365

Office 365 is being rolled out by companies big and small as bandwidth continues to become cheaper and faster, IT managers are warming up to the idea of having a service rather than a piece of hardware in their data center and mobile workers are demanding a toolset that keeps them productive regardless of their physical location.

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Age of Information Management or The Wild West?

In the physical world, things took time to evolve. Laws took shape over centuries and libraries emerged to store important documents. Where I grew up, we had a small library. It was a room with shelved walls filled with books and there was another that contained the greater collection and archives. 


The “C” Word that makes Technologists Cringe

Compliance It’s like wearing a helmet while you’re kicking tricks with your BMX buddies: somehow it just seems to take the fun out of pulling off any type of acrobatics… because the cool kids perform summersaults *without* the safety gear their mothers ma ...