better budgets

12 Simple Steps to a Better Budget

It is time to talk about the “B”-word…That’s right! It is Budget! Whether you are managing a rambunctious household or a dynamic department, mention of the word usually elicits an exasperated sigh or groan and rapidly makes you the least popular person ...


Finance Tips for Teens

The teenage years are particularly important when teaching your children the power of responsible spending.  Here are some tips to keep you on track and help you raise financially successful children: 1. Needs vs. wants Brace yourself! You are most like ...

7 Finance Lessons for Your Kids

7 Finance Lessons for Your Kids

To enable your kid to ace their finances in adulthood, it is crucial to start early and instill smart financial habits that will serve them well throughout their lives. Raising financially-savvy kids starts at a young age, and continues as they grow up. ...


7 Recession-busting Tips for Businesses

The outlook on the local and global economy points to a global recession – which leaves many businesses asking what they should do. While it may be tempting to make drastic changes during tough times, it is important to focus on business basics while bear ...


10 Practices of Highly Efficient Organizations

Running a business sounds easy, in theory.  Find a product or service, take it to market, find clients, sell it, and create shareholder value. This value can be seen in increased profits, market share, or business growth. If you are a manager or business ...