
8 Information Risks that Could Sink Your Organization

The truth is that these are things that are beyond just software, it all starts with our people. This means that it is critical that our employees, both those who are responsible from an administrative aspect, as well as the day-to-day users, should be educated in the proper way to handle and think about your data. This will spill over once you begin to use software.

Age Of Information Management Or The Wild WestArtboard 4

Age of Information Management or The Wild West?

In the physical world, things took time to evolve. Laws took shape over centuries and libraries emerged to store important documents. Where I grew up, we had a small library. It was a room with shelved walls filled with books and there was another that contained the greater collection and archives. 


The “C” Word that makes Technologists Cringe

Compliance It’s like wearing a helmet while you’re kicking tricks with your BMX buddies: somehow it just seems to take the fun out of pulling off any type of acrobatics… because the cool kids perform summersaults *without* the safety gear their mothers ma ...