SAP on Azure Explainer Series – Video 1 – Aging Hardware Costs

Are you planning on making changes to your organisation’s SAP environment because the IT infrastructure has reached its end of life? Or perhaps you are looking to migrate to SAP HANA?

With Mint you can have options around global Cloud services like Microsoft Azure, that will allow you to;

  • Benefit from significant cost saving
  • ​Gain world-class security and compliance
  • Get a real-time view of compliance
  • Run on a modern platform to accelerate the efficiencies and data visibility

Moving your SAP environment to the Azure Cloud enables you to only pay for what you use, effectively allowing you to operationalise your costs. You receive provision hardware based on immediate needs, rather than procuring for the long term. This way you can grow your environment as your business grows.

SAP on Azure through Mint will enable you to;

  • Increase or decrease the size of your environment, based on immediate requirements.
  • Scaling to meet the end of the month or annual demands.
  • Scale back down to save costs, where feasible.

With Mint your environment will be professionally enabled and seamlessly managed. This means that you get all the power of the Cloud at a lower cost of ownership.

Future-proof SAP’s implementation by moving to SAP HANA.

What is SAP HANA?

SAP HANA (High-performance ANalytic Appliance) is a multi-model database that stores data in its memory instead of keeping it on a disk. It is a single database as a service (DBaaS) foundation for modern applications and analytics across all enterprise data.

This results in data processing that is magnitudes faster than that of disk-based data systems, allowing for advanced, real-time analytics.

SAP on Azure gives you the freedom to:

  • Address ageing hardware costs
  • Access disaster recovery plans
  • Ensure security and compliance
  • Achieve cost efficiencies and ROI
  • Create a Cloud data landscape

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