Ubuntu EmpowerMint Program
Driving partnerships, growth and success in the local Microsoft Partner Network
Driving success and growth through partnerships
Mint Group is a firm believer in diversity and empowerment, and this is reflected in our level 1 B-BBEE status. Through inception Mint has worked with Exempt Micro Enterprises (EMEs) and Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSEs) across South Africa to solve human problems through ICT and make a difference from the ground up.
Ubuntu EmpowerMint is a robust program with strategic initiatives designed to identify start-ups to drive them towards EMEs, accelerate the development of EMEs to QSEs and ultimately to GENs (Generic Enterprises).
Solving Local Challenges
- Education and Skills development within ICT sector to drive South Africa as a leader in 4IR
- Increasing challenges faced with unemployment and poverty rates
- Reduce economic marginalization of Small to Medium Sized Businesses