Document Approval App

Provide your employees with an intuitive platform for document review, collaboration and approvals

Easy navigation within Microsoft Teams

Set user permissions and roles

Complete with in-app notifications & analytics

What is a Document Approval app?

A document approval application assists organizations like yours with an easy-to-use platform that allows employees to share, review, and approve business documents from within the Microsoft Teams app.  Improve the way you manage the document review process, including permission-based features and advanced reporting all within one application.

Business Benefits

Application Features

It really is this simple

Create | Approve | Track

Anyone with permission can create an approval request. These requests are surfaced in an app within Microsoft Teams, leveraging SharePoint and Azure AD. 

Multiple approvers can be assigned to documents. There is funcitonality to approve or decline documents, providing opportunity for collaboration and efficient communication. 

All approval actions are stored for auditing purposes. The app interface provides transparency with real-time insights based on actions. 

Improve efficiency and ensure your documents hit the standard, every time

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